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For Workers

The state government  needs to protect those who work.  Unfortunately, the state of Connecticut has become a financial predator of those who work and those who WANT to work.


Reason with me.  People who work  are already giving to society.  We produce goods and services that others want.  We sell them at or below the price others are willing to pay.  (Subordinate workers are no different from their employers here - we all sell our skills at or below the price of willing buyers).  So when the state saps the income of workers and their employers, it hurts EVERYONE.  


Remember, there's no such thing as public schools, retirements, welfare, or charitable foundations without good work first.  So here are elements I as governor would do to protect good work.


    * stop regulating employers oppressively

    * allow workers who want overtime to work it unconstrained

    * stop extracting Medicare premiums from young workers

    * give workers FULL choice in health & retirement benefits

    * end the marriage penalty


Then there's the indirect action, such as encouraging workplace accommodations for pregnant, elderly, or partly disabled workers, encouraging organizations to enlist young retirees who still want to work part time, and encouraging telecommuting for "stay-home moms" who can still be effective employees and even managers.


The state should be limited in its commands, but a good governor can still be a voice for suasion in employee-employer relations.  In the name of Connecticut, and in the name of Capitalism, which made Connecticut great, THIS would-be-governor is all in for imploring robust, safe, work.

New England Hospitals are closing.  Three steps to save costs AND enhance care.
New England Hospitals are closing.  Three steps to save costs AND enhance care.
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SFH - Mayor Candidate Mark Stewart - better for Workers!
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One Governor Candidate's Take on State Unions:

In Connecticut, many labor unions are like families.  Their members look out for one another at work; their members share "watering holes" after work; their families get together on weekends.


Artificial "families" are sentimentally nice.  Doing business with them is akin to "buying American": at the margins, I choose to stay "in the family, support America, and support American unionists

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