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Proposals..whether elected or not (but better if elected)

1) End (or at least greatly reduce) spam calls and scam calls by fining the perpetrator $5000, and $15,000 if soliciting a minor.  ANY resident can make the indictment upon receiving an unwanted call.  The companies doing robo-calls will face colossal fines if they try calling a number held by a Farmington resident.  This should cut these calls to all of Connecticut, since many with 203 and 475 along with 860 live here.


2) Create High School of the Future.  The FHS rebuild can be a slim-down of one building but an expansion to many new sites.  We have the chance to prepare students for careers.  We use "school-to-career" opportunities in the BEST places possible.  200 students each semester can "intern" and still have classes in area firms.


They'll have a leg up on careers that keep them in Connecticut, and possibly at these very firms:

  •       Stanley Black & Decker

  •       Raytheon

  •       Jackson Labs

  •       Otis Engineering

  •       UConn Health

  •       Hillstead (for agricultural Sciences)


and the many small design firms (architectural, construction, graphic, and artistic) that call Farmington home.  Other students can take classes at Tunxis CC once they are ready to spring into careers.  The FHS campus will have room to invite other students (GOOD students, role models) as prep schools do, and Farmington can gain their tuitions. 


3) Build an ice complex.  CT has hockey fervor and figure-skating zeal, yet our kids have to go two or more towns away for good full-size rinks.  We should build a multiplex.  There are several good sites on the edges of town.  Good for outsiders to come, but at the same time keeping in-town traffic minimal.


4) Let home-owners build small second homes on their property.  Elders can then live independently, but close to their children and grandchildren.  West Hartford, which is 5x as dense as Farmington, now allows this.  Even young adults would have the advantage of a separate home they take care of, but not be living "with Mom".

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