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Sanhedrin:  The Chosen

The Sanhedrin was an ancient governing body, composed of 70 or more wise people.    I will be guided by a modern group akin to the Sanhedrin.  Those i have and will choose include very few legislators; as individually wise as some may be, their input is almost surely tinted and tainted by politics.  So for now, legislators are on the sidelines.  We can do fine with other choices.


 In a Stewart administration, it's not hard to be among the "Chosen".  Thoughtfulness about public service characterizes all those below.  The list includes many unheralded people who've come into my life whom i know would serve Connecticut well.  


YOU may deserve to be on this list.  Let us know how you'd want to serve and "what makes you good".  


For now, the list as of October 2018, of those whose work i will read or whose voice i will listen to.  Connecticut will be a better state by having all these minds in action.

Edward & Sheila Ford
Caroline Glick
Caroline Glick.jpg
Mubin Shaikh
Mubin Shaikh.jpg
Yaron Brook 
Yaron Brook.jpg
Ron Dermer
Ron Dermer.jpg
Andrew Wilkow
Andrew Wilkow.jpg
Andrew Wilkow.jpg
Zakaria Bostros
Mark Simone
Mark Simone.jpg
Walter Williams 
Walter Williams.jpg
Curtis Sliwa
Curtis Sliwa.jpg
Robin Quivers
Robin Quivers.jpg
Michele Bachmann
Michele Bachmann.jpg
Cailin McBee
Dwight Freeney
Dwight Freeney.jpg
Annie Lamont
Annie Lamont.jpg
Jon  Lender
Jon Lender.jpg
Rob Sampson
Rob Sampson.jpg
~ Heather Gwynn
Heather Gwynn.png
~ Colin McEnroe
Colin McEnroe.jpg
Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager.jpg
Cicero Booker Jr. 
Cicero Booker Jr..jpg
Jay Styles
Jay Styles.jpg
David Asman
David Asman.jpg
Craig Stallings
Craig Stallings.jpg
Deneen Borelli
Deneen Borelli.jpg
Ed St. John 
Ed St John.jpg
Mark Greenberg
Mark Greenberg.jpg
Richard Lion 
Richard Lion.jpg
~ Oz Griebel
Oz Griebel.jpg
~ Ken Dixon 
Ken Dixon.jpg
Jeff Kuhner
Jeff Kuhner.jpg
Phil Maymin
Phil Maymin.jpg
John Batchelor
John Batchelor.jpg
Dave Calibey
Rod Hanscomb
Rod H.jpg
Tim Sullivan
Tim Sullivan.jpg
Jim Smith
Jim Smith.jpg
Joe Markley
~ Claire Smith
Claire Smith.jpg
~ Ned Lamont
Ned Lamont.jpg
~ Matthew Kauffman
~ Matthew Kauffman
Matthew Kawuffman.jpg
Bruce Wolf
Bruce Wolf.jpg
Howard Stern
Matt Drudge
Matt Drudge.jpg
Jay Williams
Jay Williams.jpg
Paul Mounds
Paul Mounds.jpg
Chandler Howard
Chandler Howard.jpg
Joe DeLong
Joe DeLong.jpg
Matthew Corey
Matthew Corey.jpg
~Dan Reale
Dan Reale.jpg
~ Lucian Pawlak
Lucian Pawlak.jpg
Greg Davis
Greg Davis.jpg
Jesse Brohinsky
Jesse Brohinsky.jpg
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